Tag: Motivational Teaching article

Why Shouldn’t we be discouraged when life seems at a standstill?

Stillness in life does not mean that you are not growing or making progress. It may be a slow phase, but life always has momentum.

Sometimes in life, we feel we are not making any progress in life. This is because, in everything we do in life, we look for results in material form. What we don’t notice is that every time we try or make an effort, regardless of the results, we do grow internally, gain skills and develop strength.

Don’t underestimate yourself if you don’t see yourself growing. Growth happens in many ways; whether it’s a lesson learned, an experience gained or a goal achieved, it is just that the inner growth can never be quantified.

Dr Bhawna Gautam

Your Attitudes Give Values to Your Efforts in Life

Be active, be reactive, and proactive!!
Yes, my dear, everything is in the title! This is the key behavior to see great improvement in our lives! Let me picture something to be even clearer my dear, Imagine someone in an office, going to work and leaving every day at the same time.  Just doing what they’re asked for, not even talking with their coworkers but just waiting for the end of the day, every day, and just doing this so they can retire eventually. This is a typical passive behavior my friend, and this doesn’t sound very exciting, does it?

Unfortunately, that’s what a lot of people do, thinking they can’t follow their dreams because it’s safer to have a steady job even if it doesn’t fulfill you. So they keep complaining, not realizing that you can find satisfaction and little victories even with a steady job! What’s the secret? Being active, reactive, and proactive!!

Now picture the same person, my dear, going to work and leaving every day at the same time, but instead of just doing what they’re told, they also suggest new ideas, offer their help for new plans, want to learn and develop more skills. They also talk to their coworkers, trying to know them and help them. They’re doing their best so every day when they wake up they feel good about going to work! It’s the same job though, what is only changing is the attitude. And that’s what I want you to remember, you always have to go ahead with projects, ideas, plans, etc.

What’s in there for you my friend? Satisfaction, self-confidence, but also trust from your coworkers, being more responsible, and then even more proud of what you do, and so on and so on! Such a positive cycle begets positive progress, be blessed.
Onyekachi M Ogbonnia

Our attitude decides our efforts blessings …. Onyekachi M Ogbonnia

Your Attitudes Give Values to Your Efforts in Life

Be active, be reactive, and proactive!!
Yes, my dear, everything is in the title! This is the key behavior to see great improvement in our lives! Let me picture something to be even clearer my dear, Imagine someone in an office, going to work and leaving every day at the same time.  Just doing what they’re asked for, not even talking with their coworkers but just waiting for the end of the day, every day, and just doing this so they can retire eventually. This is a typical passive behavior my friend, and this doesn’t sound very exciting, does it?

Unfortunately, that’s what a lot of people do, thinking they can’t follow their dreams because it’s safer to have a steady job even if it doesn’t fulfill you. So they keep complaining, not realizing that you can find satisfaction and little victories even with a steady job! What’s the secret? Being active, reactive, and proactive!!

Now picture the same person, my dear, going to work and leaving every day at the same time, but instead of just doing what they’re told, they also suggest new ideas, offer their help for new plans, want to learn and develop more skills. They also talk to their coworkers, trying to know them and help them. They’re doing their best so every day when they wake up they feel good about going to work! It’s the same job though, what is only changing is the attitude. And that’s what I want you to remember, you always have to go ahead with projects, ideas, plans, etc.

What’s in there for you my friend? Satisfaction, self-confidence, but also trust from your coworkers, being more responsible, and then even more proud of what you do, and so on and so on! Such a positive cycle begets positive progress, be blessed.
Onyekachi M Ogbonnia

Our attitude decides our efforts blessings …. Onyekachi M Ogbonnia

Love Is a Divine Gift (Part 1)

A self-love is an act that is not at all selfish. Loving oneself is a virtue that each one of us possesses. If you love yourself, you will end up loving others as yourself. You can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself.

However, because society is focused on physical image, it forces you to play a role, makes you think that you are imperfect, and makes you feel that you have to make efforts to be loved. You seek to receive love instead of giving it. You become dependent on the opinion of others and consequently, you become very strict on yourself. Enough!

Today you have the possibility to find your inner love, you just have to make THE DECISION to change, to take the step to find the inner flame that you have lost.
Remember these words, my dear:
*Embrace the present moment
*Accept what it is without judgment
*Love oneself and others with unconditional love and feel in communion with the Universe
A blissful week to you.
Onyekachi M Ogbonnia

Love is a divine gift to all humanity, it comes from within us, the more you love yourself genuinely, the more you can love others genuinely too … Onyekachi M Ogbonnia

Being A Light To Others Gives More Values TO Our Achievement.

Are you using your success the right way ?

Aiming high is a quality of a determined person, a person who wants to achieve big in life but the happiness one achieves from making their dreams come true become manifolds when it can be used for others.

Your life has a purpose, it is not only about you but also about lives others. There are many who are living in the darkness of life. If you are able to make a difference to those who need and help them to see the world with your light, you have truly succeeded in making it big.

Let your light be a direction for others. End of the day, achievement is all about satisfaction and there is no bigger satisfaction than giving.

Dr Bhawna Gautam