Tag: Bhawna Gautam

Let Your Success Bring A Positive Change

How do you manage the responsibility that comes with your success and recognition?

It’s very hard to make it to the top, but what’s harder is to ensure that you maintain respect and dignity in that position. This is only possible if you are true and keep the trust of the people who supported you. It’s only when people find out that the person they chose to be at the top is deceitful that breaks their trust and leads to your decline.

You must remember that when you reach the top, you are very well seen and heard. At that height, it becomes even more important to choose your words and actions with caution. When you speak from up there, your words have more power. Your words can bring people together or even segregate them. So, you have to be mindful that you only influence them positively.

Success is harder to maintain than to gain. If you have achieved success, make an extra effort to watch out for your words and actions. Be truthful and respectful, so that your success brings only a positive change in the world.

Dr Bhawna Gautam

Being A Light To Others Gives More Values TO Our Achievement.

Are you using your success the right way ?

Aiming high is a quality of a determined person, a person who wants to achieve big in life but the happiness one achieves from making their dreams come true become manifolds when it can be used for others.

Your life has a purpose, it is not only about you but also about lives others. There are many who are living in the darkness of life. If you are able to make a difference to those who need and help them to see the world with your light, you have truly succeeded in making it big.

Let your light be a direction for others. End of the day, achievement is all about satisfaction and there is no bigger satisfaction than giving.

Dr Bhawna Gautam

Our Uniqueness Is Our Beauty

Why should you never underestimate yourself if you don’t fit in the societal definition of beauty?

Our society has given us a very superficial definition of beauty just focusing on one’s outer attributes. What it makes us believe and see is that people are only beautiful if they fit into that definition. This has not only created doubts inside many people but also changed our perception about undersatnding people.

When someone has very good physical looks, most people want to be with them without even knowing how they are from inside while if someone doesn’t, they are often disregarded. One must remember that nothing on this earth is exactly the same. We are all different and this is what makes us unique. The goodness is not in the looks but in that uniqueness because it is adding something to our lives. It is giving us a new perspective to see things, widening our knowledge and expanding our experience.

A person’s uniqueness is their beauty. Admire them who they are and if you find you are a bit different from others, embrace yourself. There is no need to change to fit in, let people experience the uniqueness in you.

Dr Bhawna Gautam

The Biggest Motivation is Your own Life & Dreams.

Are you self-motivated?

Everyone wants motivation, a driving force to help them keep going in life. People often look at other people lives, their stories, the challenges that they had overcome to motivate them but actually the biggest motivation is your own life and dreams.

If you look back at your own life, you will realise your own strength in many situations of life. For all those tough times in your life, you never gave up but just kept going. You cried, you folded, you felt broken but you gathered yourself together and built yourself up. Your own life story is a story of courage and strength.

Learn from everyone but let your own life be an inspiration. Live your life with so much courage, honesty and passion that not only do others feel inspired but when you look back, you feel strong and find inspiration to keep going in your present.

Dr Bhawna Gautam

Our Inward Connections gives Us the Ultimate Freedom In Life.

Are you in the phase of life where you are walking by yourself?

In your journey of life, you will come across many people. Some will stay and some will move on. When people move on, we feel hurt and feel our journey has ended. But the pain of life leads to another journey, a journey to find yourself.

This journey doesn’t need anyone else but just you, yourself. This is the final journey because beyond this road is only one road, the road of freedom- from pain, sorrows and emotions that hold you back.

If you ever feel you are alone in life, it is an opportunity to find yourself. Look at ways to connect with self whether it is through a conversation, meditation or prayers. Once you realise this inward connection, you will feel you have no time for unwanted emotions in life. You will never let anyone’s action or behaviour bring a change in you, you will just free yourself.

Dr Bhawna Gautam